Using 8 points of the compass to locate cities in Spain

This lesson is part of Exploring Spain, a Geography unit designed for upper KS2 students (Y4-6), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson.

In the presentation students recap the 8 points of the compass and locate Spanish cities using these compass directions. They also learn how to locate cities in relation to each other (e.g. Valencia is north of Alicante).

The activity challenges students use all 8 compass directions to locate Spanish cities. It is differentiated three ways:

Easier – Students locate Spanish cities (with answer clues + cities marked on the map)
Medium – Students locate Spanish cities (with answer clues)
Harder – Students locate Spanish cities (no answer clues)

Extension – Students locate Spanish cities in relation to each other.

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This product is available as part of the bundle: Exploring Spain - KS2


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