Locating seaside towns and cities of the UK

This lesson is part of The Seaside, a Geography unit designed for students in KS1 and lower KS2 (Y1-3), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson.

The presentation takes students on a tour of eight seaside towns and cities around the United Kingdom including: Ayr and St Andrews in Scotland; Aberystwyth in Wales; Blackpool and Newquay in England.

The activity then challenges students to use their map skills to locate these towns and cities on a map of the UK. This can be done using an atlas or the prompt maps included.

Easier – Students label 8 seaside towns and cities using a prompt map.
Medium – Students label 12 seaside towns and cities using a prompt map.
Harder – Students label 12 seaside towns and cities using an atlas.

Extension – Students locate and label 2 further seaside towns and cities from each country of the UK.

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