Identifying islands of the United Kingdom

This lesson is part of The Seaside, a Geography unit designed for students in KS1 and lower KS2 (Y1-3), but can also be taught as a stand alone lesson.

The presentation introduces students to islands, including these basic points:

  • Islands can be found in rivers, lakes or seas/oceans.
  • Islands can be found in hot and cold parts of the world.
  • Islands can vary in size from very small to very large (e.g. the British Isles).

The activity then challenges students to use their map skills to locate islands of the United Kingdom. This can be done using an atlas or the prompt maps included.

Easier – Students use the map prompt to identify 12 islands of the UK (using labels).
Medium – Students use the map prompt to identify islands of the UK (writing in the names).
Harder – Students use an atlas to identify 12 islands of the UK (writing in the names).

Extension – Students complete a cloze-procedure paragraph about islands.

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